Tuesday, May 6, 2014

AISC Thermal Bridging Survey

AISC and University of Alaska Anchorage are conducting a survey on thermal bridging and current design practice. See below for the notice from AISC and follow the link to provide your own survey responses.

Engineers and Architects:

We would like your help in completing a short survey to gather information on how engineers and architects currently address thermal bridging in steel building construction. The online survey can be completed at the following link: http://uaa.co1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_4VJE9y2o5doWmax.

Thermal efficiency and performance are important aspects to the design of steel buildings, particularly as we strive to design more sustainable structures. Steel members that penetrate the building envelope act as thermal bridges, channeling heat into or out of the building, and it can be a significant problem to the building's thermal performance. Scott Hamel of the University of Alaska at Anchorage is currently conducting a research investigation sponsored by AISC on steel connection details that provide adequate thermal breaks in the building envelope.  The results of the survey will be consolidated into a report and made publicly available.

Questions or comments about the survey can be directed to:

Scott Hamel, P.E., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Alaska Anchorage

Enclosure Considerations for Tall Wood Buildings

RDH Building Sciences is hosting a seminar this week about mass timber's exposure to weather. Lunch is provided.
May 8, 2014, 12pm - 1:15pm.

2101 N 34th Street, Suite 150
Seattle, WA 98103

Tall Wood Buildings – Enclosure Considerations
The construction of mass timber and taller wood buildings is becoming more common in
North America. The increased exposure to weather and new timber construction methods
pose unique challenges for the design and construction team. This presentation provides
guidance on building enclosure design and detailing published in two recent industry

Presenter: Graham Finch, Dipl.T., M.A.Sc., P.Eng.

Email jkies@rdhbe.com or call 206.489.2198 if you would like to invite yourself or if you have questions. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

April committee meeting minutes and preview for May

See here for April's meeting minutes. Join us May 28, 2014 back at CPL. Adam will be presenting on the PSU Sustainable Structures Symposium, including his own presentation from the conference. Please contact Adam or Kyle for call-in information if you can't attend in person.

Sean passed along an article on some innovative sustainable buildings that I’ll also post:
If you have something you’d like to share with the committee, let me know.