Friday, June 20, 2014

June meeting rescheduled to July 9

The next committee meeting has been rescheduled to:
July 9, 2014
CPL -- 801 Second Avenue Suite 900
Seattle 98104

The topic of this month’s meeting will be a recap of the Washington Energy Code thermal bridging requirements, including information from DPD on how they are enforcing the requirements. We will also be discussing future committee activities.

Please contact me (ksteuck [at] if you would like to attend via GoToMeeting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

May Committee Meeting Minutes and Next Meeting

The minutes for last month's meeting are here.

One thing not mentioned at the last meeting is that Michael Green and Eric Karsh were keynote speakers at the PSU Symposium.   It was the same talk featuring their mass timber projects presented at the SEFW last fall, but there is a recording for those who want to watch:

Our next meeting will be at Coughlin Porter Lundeen again.  We will follow up on the energy code and talk about other potential projects.  Participate in the Doodle poll to select a meeting date.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

City Council to Review Proposed Changes to the Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot Program

Major changes have been proposed to Seattle's Living Building and Deep Green program -- briefing and public meeting scheduled for July 1.
Mayor Ed Murray delivered proposed changes for the Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot Program to the City Council for consideration. At this time, the proposed changes eliminate the Deep Green option to focus the pilot program on Living Buildings. Meanwhile, DPD will continue to develop recommendations for updated new Seattle Deep Green option.
See more at: