Thursday, November 1, 2012

Upcoming Webinar on Life Cycle Analysis for Highways

 From a LinkedIn post:

Free MIT webinar: Improving the sustainability of roadways through streamlined LCA

Please join us for our next Global Leaders in Environmental Assessment and Performance Sustainability Speaker Series webinar, taking place Friday, November 2nd from 10:00-11:00am ET. As part of our continuing series on streamlined life cycle analysis (LCA), our next speaker will be Jamie Meil, Managing Director of the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute. Jamie will be discussing their Impact Estimator for Highways software, an innovative approach to calculating a highway's environmental impact that considers the materials, construction, and maintenance phases of the life cycle. The software includes a large materials database and can be used during the design phase to evaluate and compare potential designs in terms of their environmental impact.

Whether or not the sustainability of highways is in your bailiwick, this webinar will touch on a number of overarching issues within the field of life cycle analysis, such as developing a streamlined approach to LCA in conjunction with a wide range of stakeholders, addressing issues around data collection and maintenance, and incorporating a complex and uncertain use phase into the life cycle. I hope you can join us!

Leaders in Environmental Assessment and Performance Sustainability Speaker Series
Webinar title: Streamlined LCA: Eco-Impact Estimator for Highways
Speaker: Jamie Meil, Managing Director of the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute
Date: November 2, 2012
Time: 10:00 -11:00am ET
Please register beforehand at

Questions? Contact Suzanne Greene at
 My guess is you will be able to watch the presentation later when the LEAP Speaker Series page is updated.  Thanks for the tip, Amanda.