Two tracks of seminars will feature sustainability, and currently both are scheduled for Saturday morning.
Sustainable Building Systems has two series with the following presentations:
Green Giants: Tall and Sustainable
- Informed Tall Building Design: Considering Embodied Environmental Impacts
- Achieving Enhanced Seismic Design Using Viscous Damping Device Technologies
- Innovation in Sustainable Engineering: 350 Mission
- Sustainability Impact of Tall Buildings
Aesthetics of Sustainable Structures
- Sustainable Structures through Morphogenetic Design
Comparing Adaptability - A Case Study of Three Historic Buildings - Structure as Aesthetic in Sustainable Design Case Study
- In the Looking Glass of Sustainable Architecture
- Structure as Aesthetic in Sustainable Design
Sustainable Systems and Materials
- Specifying Sustainable Concrete: The Role of Performance Based Specifications
- Long-term Service-Level Deflection Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Recycled Concrete Aggregates
- Sorting Out the LCA Rhetoric: A Comparison of Life-Cycle Assessment Studies of Structural Systems and Materials
- Challenges and Solutions in Design of Sustainable Building Structural Systems
- Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Design: Quantifying the Benefits of a Holistic Design Approach
Taking Measure of Structural Thermal Breaks
- A study of the thermal performance of structural details using THERM
- Use of Infrared Imaging to Identify Thermal Energy Losses Due To Structural Thermal Bridging
- Design and Performance of Constructed Thermal Break Connections
- Experimental investigation of insulated concrete sandwich panels reinforced with GFRP shear connector