SEAW – Sustainability Committee Meeting Agenda for April 24, 2013
Location: Coughlin Porter Lundeen, 413 Pine St #300, Seattle - noon
1. Introductions (12:00).
2. Current Work/Old Business (12:05)
a. Disaster Resilience Mini-Seminar at SEAW recap
b. Concrete Subcommittee
c. Solar Ready Roofs
d. European Green Standards
e. Guest Speakers
i. Project Haiti by HOK and USGBC
ii. Greenroads/Envision rating systems
f. Tours
i. Bullitt Center
ii. Reclaimed Timber
3. Featured Topic (12:15)
a. Top 10 LCA FAQ
4. News & Education (12:45)
a. Recent Publications/Presentations
i. HOK’s Thomas Knittel, UW, April 4.
ii. Preservation Greenlab Report on Building Reuse
iii. Composite Wood-Concrete Floor, April Structure Magazine
b. Upcoming Events
i. DECON '13 (Building Materials Reuse Association), Seattle, April 29-May 1
ii. SEI Structures Congress, Pittsburg, PA, May 2-4
iii. Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System, Rock Salt, May 15
iv. Living Future unConference, Seattle, May 15-17
c. Liaison Activity
i. SEI Sustainability Committee
ii. SEAONC Sustainable Design Committee
iii. Cascade GBC
iv. AIA+2030 Lecture Series
d. Announcements
5. Upcoming Events
a. Open Announcements
6. Next meeting (12:59)
a. Wednesday, May 22, at noon
b. Main Topic: TBD
c. Location: KPFF
7. Adjourn (1:00)
Note that the next meeting has been rescheduled to May 28, noon, at KPFF.